Puggy's World

I am a pug who loves FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD and more FOOD :) Nothing gets me more excited than FOOD, when I am not eating, you will find me resting ....

Monday, March 03, 2008

Noodles and me, me and Noodles

There is a direct link between noodles and me, or rather, me and noodles. Or rather, food and me, or rather, me and food.

Noodles (or food) and me cannot co-exist, its either me or them.

So, I choose to eat them. We are in a world of the fittest survive .... hahahahahah

And as usual, I make sure they dont survive for long !!


At 7:48 am, Blogger Joe Stains said...

wow you really chomped that noodle down!! i loovvvee noodles!

At 1:21 pm, Blogger Girl Girl Hamster said...

That noodle looks like a worm. Good job killing it. hee hee

~ Girl girl

At 4:23 pm, Blogger Ben & Darling said...

Erm...BooBOo, mayb you should ask the hooman to lower down the noodles next time.....thats really torturing a short OLD man like you....wakakakka

At 6:00 pm, Blogger Simba and Jazzi said...

mmmm noodles.

Simba x

At 9:38 pm, Blogger Amber-Mae said...

Woah, you're fast at swallowing that noodle down!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

At 8:52 am, Blogger Myeo said...

Yummy noodles!

Boy n Baby

At 10:17 pm, Blogger Amber said...

yumyum, you make me feel like eating noodle now 6:

Amber :)

At 12:30 pm, Blogger Bella said...

BooBoo you are the master of the food !!

At 5:22 am, Blogger MJ's doghouse said...

oh man puggy...i love noodles too...and it doesnt matter what kind...just noodle.s

At 7:10 am, Blogger Hammer said...

Hi Boo Boo
I'm the same as you. Food never lasts long when I'm around, and I love noodles too. I'm not as bad as when I first came to live with mum coz I've stopped jumping up on the kitchen bench and the stove to drag food onto the floor.
Love from Hammer


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