Lumpy Lump NO MORE !!!
Hey Everydogs and hammies !!!!
After being in confinement, I mean, in jail for almost 3 weeks, I am pleased to announce that the lumpy lump has healed !! Well not completely, I am errrr .... bald "there" .... where the lumpy lump used to be. The lumpy lump has dried up, and now it is a bald patch there .... well, I dont mind that, this will makes me a unique pug, dont you think so ?
Oh yeah, as you guys knows, being in jail is the most difficult time, I have completely no access to the internet, no games to play, no NOTHING TO DO !!!!!
And what did I do in jail ? This is what I did
I spend my time counting the grills in jail. And I can proudly announce that I KNOW FOR SURE that there are 24 vertical grills on each side of the jail (excluding the 2 ends) and 4 horizontal grills on each side of the jail. SO !!! What does this proves ? This proves that dogs CAN count, and yes, I am not senile yet, almost though :p
Oh yeah, besides spending my time in jail for the past 3 weeks, Fat Fat was kind enough to bring me to Bond's office. Errr .... wait, lets see, while in jail, I have visitation rights from my friends everyday. And I get invited to Bond's office twice a week.
This is Bond and me on the way to work.
Bond looks so happy going to work, doesnt he?
Oh and I can tell you, one thing for sure, Bond's work is so boringgggggggggggggggggg. Bond said that I am not allowed to move about as I was supposed to be recuperating. So this is what I did in his office
I'm so pleased to hear that the lumpy-lump has healed.. and bald patches can be good for ventilation in hot weather.. hehehe
How cool that you got to go to Bond's office.. I see you did a spot of napping there.. as i would have done :)
love and licks,
Ben xxxx
BooBoo, that is good news! Too bad though your hair follicles are dead like the one on my lip where I used to have my ringworm. It does grow back but it will only last for a week & then drop off again. So furny! You spent your time looking blue at the office?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Thank dog you are not in jail anymore!!!
Thank dog you are free at last.
Simba x
Yeah!! The lumpy lump's gone!! Do now u have a 'scar' there? Hey, at elast it'd make you look tough..
Question - isn't that "lounging" pretty much what you do everyday anyway?
Bussie Kissies
Hi BooBoo! We are so glad that the lumpy lump is no longer!
We are doing a really fun contest over here at Pug & Bugg. It's called SOPHIE'S NEXT PUG MODEL! Check it out at this link:
Hope you will be joining us! Tell alllll your friends!
Sophie and Dixie
You look pretty green in the last photo. Good that your lump is gone...
~ Girl girl
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