Puggy's World

I am a pug who loves FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD and more FOOD :) Nothing gets me more excited than FOOD, when I am not eating, you will find me resting ....

Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Birthday

Boo and Baby have been asking me when is my birthday.

Well ..... how shall I put it?? .... ummmhhh ..... the fact is that, I DO NOT HAVE A BIRTHDAY!!!

You see, Fat Fat rescued me from the street many, many, many, many years old when I was still a puppy. And being a puppy, I only knew how to eat, sleep and play and I dont even know whats a birthday. So, till now, no one can tell me when is my birthday?!!

Now, how shall I answer Boo and Baby .... When is my birthday ..... How bout I choose one day to be my birthday? Ummhh ... but I dont know which day to choose, how bout you guys choose for me then?

Oh yeah, seriously, I dont feel weird about not having a birthday, cos every dogs in my family does not have a birthday cos all of us are either rescued or adopted!!


At 5:19 pm, Blogger Simba and Jazzi said...

You can share my Birthday if you like. You could have a "got ya" day
instead. Thats what the rabbits have, cos we don't know their Birthdays.

Simba x

At 5:23 pm, Blogger Sunshade said...

Hey, I have an idea for you. Each of your friend can pick a day as a birfday for you, and you can celebrate for all the days that were picked!!

Oh boy, now I wish I didn't know my B-day too...

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

At 6:15 pm, Blogger Myeo said...

I know the day that you were born, it called The Special Day. Thats why you sre so special.

Maybe we can take Simba's idea if you like.

Boy n Baby

At 11:06 pm, Blogger Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Well happy burp-burp day anyway boo boo!

Bussie Kissies

At 12:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very easy!
Every Christmas shall be your day!

At 9:26 am, Blogger Boo Casanova said...

wow, you were rescue in the stree by fat fat? that's so nice of fat fat. you must be a very special one for fat fat to bring you home.

i think fat fat should give you a barkday instead of us. maybe you can ask when fat fat wanna "let you bark" then that's your barkday!!!

btw, like your comment about the name BOO!!! hahahaha!

wet wet licks


At 12:29 pm, Blogger Fu Fu said...

Boo boo, just pick a day that you like to be your birthday. How about 14 Feb? Valentine's day. Then Baby will find you so lomantic.

~ fufu

At 2:59 pm, Blogger Myeo said...

Fufu's idea is great. 14th Feb is a good day.

Love Baby

At 4:21 pm, Blogger Scuba the Muscle Boy said...

How about everyday is your barkday?

At 9:26 pm, Blogger Oscar said...

BTW-You'v been Christmas tagged, and who is Fat Fat?

At 5:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Boo Boo,

I just got a Christmas card from you, Bond and your humans. Thank you very much. I reeeeallys like the stampers you put on it.

I am a rescued dog also. My B-Day is when my humans took me to my forever home. That's when my new lifes began. I'd pick today as your B-Day. Then after you celebrate, you bark, 'Wait! Tomorrow is my B-Day.' Then when you celebrate again you bark, 'Wait! Tomo....' Then you'll get lots of goodies and stuffs everydays.

Lots of licks again for the cooools Christmas card. We wish you and your family a great holiday season.


P.S. Don't know where Blogger put my cute face picture. Blogger is reeeeallys messin' ups.

At 8:22 am, Blogger T-man Angel said...

I don't know my birthday either. I celebrate on the same day as my Uncle Sammi.

Hey, I think you should pick a different day than the day you were adopted. That way you can celebrate both your birthday & your anniversary separately, and hopefully score more pressies and treats!


At 1:40 pm, Blogger T-man Angel said...

Hi Boo Boo,
I got your card today (yeah!!)

At 12:10 pm, Blogger Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Sounds like every day is a special reason to celebrate.

How lucky is your hooman that you found them.

Nose licks

At 1:30 pm, Blogger L said...

Don't feel bad about not having a birthday. Our girl rescued Comet and me (me from the street, Comet from the pound), so she doesn't know when our birthdays are either. We keep telling her to pick a day - or two, or three - but she never celebrates them. Maybe this year we won't celebrate her birthday and she will know how it feels!

ps. We got your pretty blue card this weekend. I loved your pictures and the doggie stamps. Comet wanted to taste all the bone stamps.


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